Locks Association of
Chairman's Message
台灣鎖具業 如何善陣永續
Any enterprise wishing to expand and operate permanently, an enormous thinking and vision and disposition must be borne in mind. Founding an enterprise is difficult, but maintaining an enterprise is even more difficult. A manufacturer who has been maintaining a long operations has cultivated a great many partners for cooperation in the periphery of the industry.
Enterprises who can stand strong and continue to grow in adversity are real winners who can weather tough time and environment. Real winners are not those who defeat their counterparts of the similar sector or industry.
Slow and steady wins the race. A business operator should have the spirit of penguin to do things slowly but steadily. Eventually he or she will come to success. They should work day and night, without losing the attention on even minor things. It is unavoidable that obstacles stand in the way during the process of growth. Only with confidence that the value of differentiation would be created.
A company should have its own corporate culture and look after the livelihood of its employees. An enterprise should have vigor and the ability to change and innovate. An enterprise which has far and wide vision would deliver consumers non-stop supply of goods.
It is essential that an entrepreneur should first learn how to be a man and win the hearts of others before a good and full-fledged sales and marketing network can be firmly established. Delivering the biggest satisfaction to customers and bearing the needs of customers in mind would make an enterprise last long and forever.
I-hui Ho
山,它巃嵷 嶵,萬民之觀仰,意謂公司有文化有制度有遠景。草木生焉,萬物立焉,意謂員工的生活照顧,協力廠商的建立。飛禽萃焉,走獸休焉,意謂企業有生機,有改變,有創造。育群物而不倦焉,意謂永續經營而提供消費者不斷的貨源。