- 水平把手
- 門弓器
- 地鉸鏈
- 把手
- 關門器
- 球型門把手
- 電子安全系統
- 卡片鎖
- 圓柱狀鎖
- 管形鎖
- 水平鎖
- 把手鎖
- 其他類鎖
- 家用安全鎖
- 隱藏式連動鎖
- 喇叭鎖
- 玻璃門鎖
- 連體水平鎖
- 家用輕型門鎖
- 連體鎖
- 安全鎖(水平鎖)
- 圓筒型鎖
- 防火門鎖
- 美國UL認證一級/防火級防火門鎖
- 加強型雙面鎖
- 加強型水平把手鎖
- 緊急逃生裝置
- 逃生門鎖
- 指紋電子鎖
- 感應卡
- 電子式號碼鎖
- 電子密碼鎖
- 鎖製品出口商
- 鎖製品製造商
- 鎖製品經銷商
Established in 1957, Taiwan Fu Hsing Industrial Group is dedicated to securing the user’s life and property. Our Security System Product Group and the Door Closer Product Group is committed to producing high quality door locks, electronic locks, access control systems, door closers, 360-degree door pivot hinges, fire door locks, glass door-related hardware, and electronic devices. In order to ensure product stability and quality, we also established a Supply Chain Business Group that integrates upstream and downstream security technology industries to provide services that set the user's mind at ease.