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成功大學 製造所


個人經歷以及學術專長領域 Personal Experience & Research Goals

個人經歷 Personal Experience
◎台灣鎖業協會顧問 (2015.08-now)
Consultant of Locks Association of Taiwan (2015.08-now)
◎台灣首府大學校長 (2013.08-2015.07)
President of Taiwan Shoufu University (2013.08-2015.07)
◎台灣鎖業協會理事 (2015.08-2015.07)
Director of Locks Association of Taiwan (2015.08-2015.07)
◎台南資訊軟體協會理事 (2011.02-2013.07)
Director of Tainan Information Software Association (2011.02-2013.07)
◎國立成功大學計算機網路中心兼主任 (2011.02-2013.07)
Director of Computer and Network Center, NCKU (2011.02-2013.07)
◎教育部TANET管理委員會委員 (2011.02-now)
Commissioner of TANet Management Committee, MOE (2011.02-now)
◎中華民國大專校院資訊服務協會第四、五屆理事 (2012.01-now)
Director of the 4th and 5th Board of Information Service Association of Chinese
Colleges (2012.01-now)
◎國科會工程科技推展中心諮議委員 (2011.02-now)
Advisory Committee of Engineering Technology Promotion Platform (2011.02-now)
◎國立成功大學文教基金會第4屆監察人 (2011.02-now)
Advisory Committee of Engineering Technology Promotion Platform (2011.02-now)
◎國立成功大學教務處三創研發中心之三創學程指導委員 (2011.02-now)
Commissioner of Creative, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center Steering Committee,
Office of Academic Affairs, NCKU (2011.02-now)
◎國立成功大學製造資訊與系統研究所教授 (2000.08-now)
Professor of Institute of Manufacturing Information and Systems, NCKU (2000.08-now)
◎東台精密機械公司總經理室執行技術長 (2006.02-2009.02)
Chief Technology Officer of General Manager Office, Tongtai Machine & Tool Co., Ltd
◎國立成功大學製造工程所教授兼所長 (2001.08-2004.07)
Professor and Chair of Institute of Manufacturing Engineering, NCKU (2001.08-2004.07)
◎國立成功大學製造工程所副教授 (1994.08-2000.08)
Associate Professor of Institute of Manufacturing Engineering, NCKU (1994.08-2000.08)
◎國立台北工專光電科技中心兼主任 (1993.02-1994.08)
Director of Electro-Optics Technology Center, National Taipei Institute of Technology
◎國立台北工專機械科副教授 (1988.08-1994.08)
Associate Professor of Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taipei Institute of
Technology (1988.08-1994.08)
◎國立台北工專機械科講師 (1985.07-1988.07)
Lecturer of Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taipei Institute of
Technology (1985.07-1988.07))
◎金屬工業發展中心CAD/CAM組副工程師 (1984.07-1985.02)
Deputy Engineer of CAD/CAM Team, Metal Industries Development Centre (1984.07-1985.02)
◎中山科學研究院二所九組研究助理 (1981.09-1982.09)
Research Assistant of 9th Team, National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology
Second Institute (1981.09-1982.09)

專長及研究領域 Research Goals

1.資訊與機電整合(Information and Mechatronics)
2.智慧型遠端監控系統(Intelligent remote monitoring system)
3.雲端虛擬化之應用(Could Virtualization Application)
4.PC-based 多軸控制器設計(PC-based Multi-axis Controller design)
5.雲端虛擬機資源負載平衡(Cloud Virtual Machine Resources Load-Balancing)
6.雲端架構之整合資訊管理系統(Cloud-Based Integration Information Management System)
7.雲端監控環境(Cloud-Based Monitoring Environment)
8.智慧工具診斷(Intelligent Tools Detection)
9.關鍵組件診斷(Key Components of Machine Diagnosis)
10.工件與加工工序檢測(Work piece and Machining Sequence Detection)
11.行動監控與即時資訊派送系統(Mobile Monitoring and Real-Time Information Delivery System)
12.無線射頻(Radio Frequency Identification)
13.物聯網(Internet of Things)
15.高功率雷射加工(High Power Laser Processing)
